Epic Things to do In and Near Kanab, Utah

If you are in the Utah area and looking for something ‘off the grid’ to do, Kanab is the perfect area to explore! This is a small town that may not be well known to most visitors. However, it is full of amazing finds! 

My husband and I are travel therapists. Utah was our first assignment placement. For 11 weeks, we jammed as much adventure, site seeing, and fun in Utah as we could. Unfortunately, we did not get to cross everything off of our bucket list. Fortunately, we plan to go back and visit to complete those items 🙂

One of our favorite weekend trips in Utah was going to Kanab, UT. I have said it in previous blog posts, and I will say it again- Utah is amazing for its diversity. One area will be large red rocks, another sandy desert, and of course the large green mountains. Kanab is almost all of that in one!

When we visited Kanab, we drove from Bryce Canyons National Park where we spent 2 days. It was Labor Day weekend, so we took advantage of the long weekend by visiting both Bryce and Kanab. We spent 2 days (Friday and Saturday in Bryce and 2 days in Kanab (Sunday and Monday).

In this blog post, I will share how to experience Kanab, UT in 2 days! 

It should be noted that you can extend the trip and make it last longer than 2 days. Read below for more ideas of how to spend your time in and around Kanab, UT!

This post may contain affiliate links of products I use and love. You can read my full disclosure here.

Okay, let’s head out for the trip! Here is an overview of what will be included in the blog post: 

2 Days in Kanab, UT: 

  • Day 1: Belly of the Dragon, Coral Pink Sand Dunes, Sand Caves 
  • Day 2: Snow Canyon State Park, Petrified Sand Dunes, Jenny’s Canyon

How to Get to Kanab: 

  • You can drive in like us! We drove from Bryce Canyons National Park which was ~1 hour 25 minutes. 
  • If you are flying in, rent a car to drive to Kanab, UT
    • The closest airports are: 
    • Salt Lake City, Utah ~4 hours 45 minute drive to Kanab, UT
    • Las Vegas, Nevada ~3 hours 20 minute drive to Kanab, UT

What to Bring/ have ready for your 2 Day Stay in Kanab, UT:

This definitely depends on what time of the year you are visiting. We went to Kanab over Labor Day weekend in September. So, we packed for warm weather. But it did get chilly at night time/ early morning while we were there. However, it should be noted that you are heading more south of Utah which is naturally more warm. Here are some basics to pack for your trip to Kanab, UT:

  1. Water bottles– make sure you have plenty of water. Some hikes take longer than others and you will want to make sure you have water. 
  2. Camera– you will see landmarks and beautiful scenery like no other. Make sure you pack a camera to take pictures!
  3. Hiking shoes– there are a lot of options in Kanab that do not require hiking. But if you plan to do more of the hikes you will definitely want to wear hiking shoes. 
  4. Hiking socks– you will want to make sure you are comfortable in your hiking boots as there is a lot of walking!
  5. Puffer jacket/ sweater– if you are visiting in cooler months, I would highly recommend bringing a good quality puffer jacket. The nights especially get chilly here! We went in September and I had to wear a sweater during the first day and a flannel for the first part of the second day. 
  6. Hydration pack above I mentioned packing water bottles. I would also highly recommend purchasing a waterpack to carry your water and other items. This will come in handy so many times. 
  7. Tent/ sleeping bags/ flashlights- depending on how you choose to lodge for your trip, you will need to make sure you have your camping necessities.
    1. This is the exact tent we have and LOVE! So easy to use, set up, and pack. It truly takes 2 seconds- hence the name 🙂 

Where to Stay in Kanab: 

There are 4 options for lodging in Kanab: 

  1. Camping 
  2. Lodge
  3. Hotel
  4. Vacation Rentals


Devin and I tent camped while we were visiting Kanab. We only spent one night close to the area- we stayed at Snow Canyon State Park. It should be noted that this state park is not in Kanab but St. George, UT. St. George is very close to Kanab with lots to do in that area- so, we highly recommend at least visiting St. George while you are in the area! Read more below about this below 🙂

We HIGHLY recommend staying in this state park as you will have a great camping spot and so much to see/ do!

When we visited, the campgrounds were first come, first served. We arrived later in the afternoon and easily found a camping site.

You can also reserve a campsite here!

Tent and RV (no hookups) are welcome with a centrally located clean shower house and bathrooms. 

Compared to other first come, first served campsites at other state/ national parks, this one is more expensive. However, for what you get to experience with it, it is worth it!

I would also highly recommend camping at Snow Canyon State Park due to the beautiful sky at night. Utah is known for being a great state for stargazing. Snow Canyon State Park is a great place to see the stars like nowhere else! (see below for the low quality picture via a low quality phone camera taken by a low quality photographer- aka me)

You are also very close to Zion National Park, so you can always find a campground in this NP!


There are lots of different options for hotels in the Kanab area.

Click here for the Google Maps search for hotels in the area!


There are so many fun and unique places to stay in Kanab via Airbnb/ VRBO! Here are some from a search I completed: 



Kanab, Utah Itinerary Day 1: 

Belly of the Dragon, Coral Pink Sand Dunes, Sand Caves 

On our way into Kanab from Bryce Canyons, we planned our stops to go from north to south of Kanab. Depending on where you are coming from, the order of landmarks might be different for you.

Belly Of The Dragon

Our first stop in Kanab was Belly of the Dragon. Once you see the landmark, you will completely understand why it is called this… it looks exactly like a belly of a dragon! The road to turn in can be difficult to spot from the main road, so keep your eyes open! You should be able to type it in your GPS to take you to the trailhead. There is a sign on the road to pull into the trailhead. But again, just make sure you are looking for it or you will accidentally pass it up! 

Once you have made it to the trailhead parking lot, you will be ready to walk right up to it! There are big steps you have to go down to get to the inside of the ‘belly’. Keep this in mind for your way out as you will need to step up the big steps. 

Welcome to the Belly of the Dragon! This is a man- made tunnel used to divert water. Overtime, the water flow from the upper canyon carved the walls creating the ripple like formations!

The ‘belly’ is relatively flat (be aware of footing with loose rocks), easy terrain, and only 1.8 miles in and out!

At the end of the ‘belly’ you will come out to an open area. Turn around to head back into the ‘belly’ to return to the parking lot. 

There are many off road trails around the Belly of the Dragon if you are interested in renting a side- by- side for an even more exciting adventure!

Coral Pink Sand Dunes

Next stop on the Kanab itinerary is the Sand Dunes! These are amazing and definitely a must do! The name explains the color- coral! The color is from iron oxides and minerals. 

We arrived around mid- day, and it was HOT! Make sure you have plenty of water before your trek to the dunes. 

This is a state park so you will have to pay to get in. It is $15 per car. 

You can opt to rent a sandboard to race down the dunes on. It had just rained before we got there, and the rangers in the park advised us not to rent a sandboard since the sand would not be in the best condition for easy sliding. Also, if you have your own board, bring it! We were able to watch some people attempt to slide down with their own boards, and it looked like loads of fun! 

You can view the dunes from the provided bleachers. However, this is quite a ways away from the dunes. If you are physically able to, I recommend walking out to the dunes. It is a far walk, especially in the sand, but worth it. 

Once you make it to the dunes, you will notice lots of different options of dunes to view. You can climb to the top of the dunes if you wish. We did this and it was so neat seeing the park from this point of view. 

Sand Caves

Last stop for the day, Sand Caves. These are amazing!! Please do not skip these!

It should be noted that this is a difficult (but short) hike due to the terrain of climbing up the side of rock formation. Please be extra cautious and careful with your footing and balance!

Also be aware of your surroundings as there are very limited trail markers and signs. You will know the direction you need to head from the parking lot. There are different footpaths that have been made to get there. As long as you are going in the direction of the steep rock, you are on the right track!

Once you make it to the top, you will see ‘windows’ that have been formed in the rock. The windows have created a cave within the formation. There is sand in the cave and numerous windows to look through. 

Be careful looking through the windows as it is a steep drop down!

Take your time to look at the beautiful views and explore the cave. 

Once you are ready to come down, go back the way you came. Again, be careful as it is slanted and steep footing. 

Ready to turn in the for the night? Depending on where you are staying will be your next stop. For us, it was heading to Snow Canyon State Park to set up camp. We arrived at dusk and were able to set up camp in a secluded area to get a good night sleep before more adventures tomorrow! 

Remember, this state park is in St. George, UT so plan accordingly if you wish to continue following this itinerary.

Day 2 Itinerary St. George, UT: 

Snow Canyon State Park, Jenny’s Canyon, Petrified Sand Dunes

If you are planning to camp in Snow Canyon State Park, you are already set for the day! You will be spending the rest of the day in this state park. If you are interested in other activities and things to see in the Kanab area, see below for extra ideas 🙂

Snow Canyon State Park

Snow Canyon State Park is known for many things. This includes, lava tubes, tortoise, slot canyons, biking/ cycling, and beautiful scenery. 

Take time to check out the state park visitor center to see which hikes are best for you! Did you bring your bikes? The state park has great paved roads for biking and cycling. 

Look for tortoises along the way!

Hike to the lava tubes. This is a quick hike to see the blacked rocks from lava. 

All the remaining activities in the itinerary are within Snow Canyon State Park!

Jenny’s Canyon 

After we woke up, we packed our camp up and headed to Jenny’s Canyon. This is a slot canyon within the state park. We went first thing in the morning to avoid a crowd. 

The path to get to the slot canyon is quick and easy. There are trail markers along the way to lead you to the opening of the slot canyon. 

Once you make it to the slot canyon, you are free to go in as far as you want before turning around. 

This was our first slot canyon experience in Utah, and we were not disappointed! 

Petrified Sand Dunes 

This is a hike that is a little more difficult in terrain in comparison to Jenny’s Canyon. There are slightly steep inclines and declines on rock formation that you need to be aware of. 

We hiked this at sunrise and was amazed at the sights we saw!

This is a hike that leads into other hikes so it can be easy to accidentally go too far. You will know when you are at the end of this hike when you overlook something that looks like sand dunes that have been dried. 

This is a famous spot for photography (especially wedding photography according to another hiker we met on the trail) due to the view of the mountains in the back lighting up from the sunrise. It is a beautiful sight! 

Sit and enjoy yourself as you watch the sunrise come across the petrified dunes. 

Have more time to spend in Kanab, UT? 

Here are more ideas of things to do in Kanab if you have the extra time!

Santa Clara Volcano

This is an inactive volcano right outside of Snow Canyon State Park. At the time, it was closed to the public to hike up. The rangers at the state park assisted us in the direction to drive to see the volcano from the road. 

Bryce Canyons National Park

Like I stated above, we drove from Bryce Canyons to get to Kanab, UT. You can easily combine both trips into one long weekend! You are so close to this national park, that you might as well go to it while you can!

Click here to read how to spend 2- days in Bryce Canyons National Park

Zion National Park

If you have a few more days to spare, Kanab is very close to Zion. Extend your trip and visit on of the most famous national parks!

St. George, UT

Cross the border into Arizona to trek to St. George, UT! This is the route we took to get back home to the Cottonwood Heights, UT area. St. George is a beautiful town with fun things to explore. One of my favorites was Pioneer Park. This is a spread of land with large rocks that are fun to climb and play on. We visited this at sunset. Dixie Rock at Pioneer Park was the perfect spot for a beautiful sunset. 

I hope you enjoyed this quick but fun filled itinerary of Kanab, UT! Leave a comment below if you have any questions about your trip to Kanab, UT!

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