Bonneville Salt Flats, UT | Everything you Need to Know Before you Go

Bonneville Salt Flats, UT is one of the most unique experiences I have ever experienced. God’s creation blows my mind at all times, but His work on the Salt Flats demonstrates how truly creative He is. These stretch for over 30,000 acres of flat, barren, white beauty of salt deposits.

If you are thinking about making a trip to the Salt Flats, DO IT!! I promise you will not be disappointed! 

In this blog post, you will learn information about the flats, when to go, how to get there, and how to experience the flats!

What are the Bonneville Salt Flats? 

If you know anything about Utah, you are probably familiar with recognizing “Salt Lake City”. So where did the salt flats come from?  

The flats were formed from Lake Bonneville drying up. The lake was over 30,000 acres filling the majority of the Great Basin. When it shrank below the outlet, the water became extra salty. The salt deposits were left after all the water dried up. Now what is left is the Bonneville Salt Flats. 

These are miles of completely flat land that is covered in the salt deposits. It looks like snow for miles! The bottom of your shoes will be covered in salt deposits. 

The flats are used for world wide land racing events. The Bonneville Salt Flats hosts speed events. 

When to Go?

The best time to see the Bonneville Salt Flats is definitely at sunrise! We left our house at around 5:00 am to make it in time to watch the sunrise over the flats. Waking up that early was 100% worth it, no question!

Sunrise is the best time to see the flats because of the amazing view you will have with the flat salt and mountains behind you. Also, there may be some water on the flats, depending on the current weather conditions. If there is water on the flats, this will create a mirrored effect against the mountains and sunrise. 

How to Get There?

This is dependent on where you are driving from. Simply type in Bonneville Salt Flats UT on your preferred GPS system. The GPS may take you toward the area where they host the land races. This is something you definitely want to see, but you will definitely want to pull over along 1-80 where a rest stop is provided. This will offer the best views of the flats. 

Continue up the road to where the pavement turns into the salt flats to see where the land races happen. 

What to Do?

Admire the Scenery: 

When at the Salt Flats, you first must soak in the scenery. I promise you will be mind blown once there. You will be purely amazed that something like this exists! If you have taken my advice and went during sunrise, you must sit, relax, and enjoy the beauty of God’s creation. 

Take Pictures: 

After you have soaked it all in, capture it with your camera! I have videos of me running on the flats to show the vast spread of the salt. We also have lots of pictures with the sunrise, too. 

While we were there, we noticed lots of visitors taking professional pictures. Women were dressed in beautiful dresses against the sunrise. We also saw families taking family portraits professionally. 


One of the bucket list items my husband had was to drive on the flats. Because this is not a road, there is no speed limit. You can go as fast as you feel comfortable going. We drove for miles while Devin stepped on the gas and did donuts. He had a blast driving, and I had a blast in the passenger seat!

I hope you enjoyed this blog post and learned more about the Bonneville Salt Flats! I highly recommend adding this destination to your bucket list!