DIY All Natural, Non- Toxic Air Freshener  

Being travel healthcare workers, we have rented many different houses and apartments in many different environments. Without going into too much detail, the way your rental space smells will impact your mood, happiness, and overall comfort level whether you notice it or not!

Unfortunately, there have been times when we needed some serious air fresheners to help mask the smell that came with the apartment. Fortunately, we did not stay long in that apartment before moving 🙂 AND fortunately for us, this forced me to learn how to create a natural, non- toxic air freshener for our space. 

This post may contain affiliate links of products I use and love. You can read my full disclosure here.

There are many different air fresheners to choose from at the store, so why not just make life easier and buy one? Well, almost all air fresheners that are on the shelves at big- chain markets are full of chemicals that are very harmful for our bodies. 

Is it just me or do you also get a slight headache when you walk down the air freshener aisle at the store? That’s caused by these chemicals!

What’s so harmful about chemicals, anyways?

I’m glad you asked!! Unnatural chemicals are found in many of the objects and items we use everyday- personal care products, plastic, food, etc. Chemicals that are in these products can become endocrine disruptors impacting your overall health. Even items that you do not think would be causing that much damage, have sneaky ways of disrupting your body’s natural, hormonal system. 

These chemicals can mimic or block natural hormones, leading to disruptions in the endocrine function that can then cause a range of health problems. For instance, endocrine disruptors can impair reproductive health, leading to issues like reduced fertility. They can also negatively influence your mental health, contributing to an increase in mood disorders, anxiety, and hyperactivity due to their impact on the brain. Chronic exposure to these chemicals has also been linked to certain cancers and metabolic disorders. This highlights their potential to undermine overall health and well- being by destabilizing the delicate balance of our God given hormonal system. 

Have I convinced you to throw all the products in your house that have chemicals away?! I hope not… yet! If you do it all at once, you will EASILY get very overwhelmed by making the switch to a more natural, holistic lifestyle. 

So instead, take easy steps first. Pluck the low hanging fruit if you will 🙂 One of those easy steps to making the switch is with my all natural air freshener spray. 

Oh, and you want to know an added bonus to this air freshener?? It is easy and cheap to make!! SCORE!! 

Okay, ready to learn how to make this DIY, all natural, non toxic air freshener spray? Let’s do it!


Let’s begin with the ingredients. All of these ingredients you will be able to find at your local shopping store. Or you can order them on Amazon with the links I provide to make it much easier and maybe more pleasant of a shopping experience to avoid having to go in person 🙂 

  1. Empty Glass Spray Bottle
    • Your bottle does not HAVE to be glass- but remember a few paragraphs ago when I mentioned endocrine disruptors? Unfortunately, plastic can be one of those. Buuttt baby steps remember! So, if you only have access to a plastic spray bottle, that will absolutely work and serve its purpose for this product. 
    • Here is the exact glass spray bottle that I use!
  2. 1 ⅓ cup of water
    • Depending on the size of your bottle, you can either decrease or increase the measurement of water. Just make sure it is proportionally equal to the measurement listed for the rubbing alcohol. 
  3. 2 ⅔ cup of rubbing alcohol (70-90% alcohol)
    • Note: the alcohol is used to allow faster absorption of the spray- the essential oils will cover the smell 🙂
    • See note above for changing the measurement depending on size of your bottle.
  4. 30-40 drops of 100% Essential Oils
    • Here’s the fun part! You get to choose what you want your air freshener to smell like!! 
    • I chose the scents bluebell, ocean, and lemon to give mine a citrusy, coastal, and clean smell. 
    • Depending on how strong you want your scent, you can alter the amount of essential oils you add to your bottle. 
    • Personally, I like mine to smell more of essential oil than rubbing alcohol- so I am more on the 35-40 drops for each essential oil scent I use.
    • Don’t worry, essential oils last you a long time even after that many drops!
    • It is important to try to use 100% essential oils to give you the best and healthiest outcome. 


Now that we have all the ingredients gathered, it’s time to make our freshener! 

  1. Combine the water and alcohol in the spray bottle. 
  2. Add your essential oil drops. 
  3. Put the lid on your spray bottle and give it a good shake!
  4. Spray the freshener to assess your preference for the smell/ amount of essential oils. 
  5. Go around your living quarters and freshen up your space with a natural, non- toxic air freshener! 

I hope you liked this post and learned the importance of making the switch to a more nontoxic lifestyle with the objects, products, and items we use daily. The Bible says our bodies are a temple… let’s take care of them while we still have them. You only get one!!

Thank you for stopping by and reading about this recipe for all natural, non toxic air freshener! I know this will help you GROW in your health journey!

Leave a comment below if you try this and let me know what combination of essential oils you used!

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